About Us
What Drives Us
We are driven by a commitment to support individuals and organizations on their quest for excellent federal acquisition training. Our goal is to ensure high-quality training for the DoD and federal acquisition workforce. We are eager to share our expertise with you.
Since 2005, we have specialized in conducting Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Equivalency Reviews, which is our top business priority.
Curriculum & Training Solutions is a certified Veteran-Owned Small Business.
Meet the Team
Our Mission
To support the development of the DoD Acquisition Workforce through objective, professional, and independent DAU Equivalency evaluations while providing support to training providers who teach this workforce.
Our company values our talented team, who provide top-quality care to our clients. We empower our staff to make decisions with minimal oversight, keeping costs low and passing on savings to our clients.
We follow the applicable processes of GSA’s Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards to assure the competence, integrity, objectivity, and independence of our DAU Equivalency reviews.
We practice transparency by keeping our clients fully informed. We strive for long-term client relationships by helping you attain your objectives.
We take our commitments seriously by meeting or exceeding our customer expectations. Adhering to our statements and promises is not a point to be pondered at Curriculum & Training Solutions; it is an automatic reaction.